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Disclaimer: The kit labels displayed in each photo on this website do not necessarily represent the regulatory status of each product for every country of our customers.


  • Bio-Type Serum/Plasma
  • Method ELISA
  • CE N
  • # of Tests 96 wells
  • Range 0 – 200 IU/mL
  • Sensitivity 1 IU/mL
  • Sample Volume 10 uL
  • Incubation Time(s) 30 / 15 / 15 / 5 min
  • Storage Conditions 2° C - 8° C
  • SKU:  EIA3604R
  • Category: Autoimmune Diseases
  • $469.00
Approximate Lead Time 1 - 2 Weeks
For Bulk Orders of 35+ Kits, please Contact Us


AMA-M2 ELISA is an test system for the quantitative measurement of IgG class autoantibodies against mitochondrial M2 subtype antigen in human serum or plasma. Highly purified mitochondrial M2 subtype antigen is bound to microwells. Antibodies against the coated antigen, if present in diluted patient sample, bind to the respective antigen. Washing of the microwells removes unbound unspecific serum and plasma components. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti-human antibodies immunologically detect the bound patient antibodies forming a conjugate/antibody/antigen complex. Washing of the microwells removes unbound conjugate. An enzyme substrate in the presence of bound conjugate hydrolyzes to form a blue colour. The addition of an acid stops the reaction forming a yellow end-product. The intensity of this yellow colour is measured photometrically at 450 nm.